Monday, January 26, 2009


The project type i did for NHD was exhibit and the individual in history we chose was Ruby Bridges,and i worked in a group with one other person.At first we didn't know what individual in history to choose from because their were so many great ones to choose from,then my partner said lets do ruby bridges and i didn't know who she was at the time.Ruby bridges was one of the people you really don't hear about and she was the first African American to integrate all-white schools.

It was difficult at times because we started working on our project late and i think we should of started earlier than what we, we had to do a lot of annotations but it was a lot easier working with a partner than by your self cause last year i did an exhibit by myself and you had a lot of qualifications to meet certain dates and it was very stressful.this year was a lot equal cause we spilt everything in half.for example 30 annotations was due and we did 15 a piece.

Our project didn't make it to city, but i think our project should of been one of the projects going to city because ours was one of the best.The people that did go to city some of them shouldn't because they had half finished projects and they were late.Also some of the projects that did go to city was great because some of the finalist did excellent jobs on them. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE NHD FINALIST!!