Thursday, October 25, 2007

POG II~~Does the constitution effectively resolve conflicts?~~

The essay i chose to be graded on was my philosophy of government II, which indicates Does the constitution effectively resolve conflicts? I think you should grade me on my sentence structure, and my introduction paragraph because i met all the criteria that Mr.Romero gave me;which is my English teacher. so, now I'm asking you to give me an fair grade on my paper,and not what u think i should get for trying.Plus, i have reviewed my essay plenty of times, and multiple classmates.

Philosophy of Government II- Does the constitution effectively resolve conflicts?

My original POG stated that government is necessary, but it should be limitations, so “We the People” still have the freedom of speech; which contains to the first amendment. The U.S constitution does effectively resolve conflicts because during the ideal society, Terrorist “Freedom Fight Club” blew up the NCC (National Constitution Center), and the congress agreed with the president giving them the death penalty, Congress makes laws that can prohibit and prevent such actions as protecting the citizens, and President Khalia said nobody could wear the insignia of the Freedom Fight Club. Also in the ideal society I was apart of the executive branch and we wanted to alter the ichip, but I feel as though the constitution does effectively protects individual liberties because it protects Americans freedom of speech, and limits to those who wish to harm our economy.

All of our history world history washed away! Terrorist “freedom Fight Club” blew up the NCC, and congress agreed with the president to giving them the death penalty. Which, I really didn’t understand because Justice Kelly didn’t have any evidence about the terrorist trying to blow up the building. Plus, using the powers from the constitution in Article3; section3 states “Treason against the U.S, shall consists only in levying war against them or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act or on confession in open court.” In result of the death penalty it never really went through with the procedure because the fight club didn’t have a court hearing, and the government couldn’t go against their rights. That’s why laws exist now today.

Does the government follow laws properly? Congress makes laws that can prohibit and prevent such actions as protecting citizens. However, the actions taking by the senates was to make a bill stating that no one is allowed to make a device that have a tracking device that have a tracking because it would be violating the citizens privacy and according to Amendment IV and Article 1;section 7.In order for a bill to occur the congress must make the bill first ,then the president has to sign and approve it, next the president can make the decision to whether veto the bill, and if she does then the congress could vote on the bill again. In comparison the bill got passed, which representatives Bishop and Matthews called a press conference to discuss the content of the new bill. Should there be different treatments for different branches of the government?

A president has a very sophisticated job! President Khalia said nobody could wear the insignia of the freedom fight club. As the result of, all Americans of the U.S have rights, and they shouldn't be abused by anyone. Then the president tried to ban the fight club from wearing their insignia. So, she said that anyone wearing the insignia will be placed in jail. People begin to get upset; so they started protesting, and the executive branch was pissed off so they responded by accosting dissenters. In this situation would the citizens get their constitutional rights employ by the courts to define the 1st amendment clearly? I think that the government treats human beings differently if their not on their level.

I feel as though the constitution does effectively protect individual liberties because it protects Americans freedom of speech, and limits those who wish to harm our country. For intense, terrorist “fight club” blew up the NCC, congress makes laws that can prohibit and prevent such actions as protecting the citizens, and president Khalia said somebody could wear the insignia of the fight club. In the constitution it simply lays out the powers of the judicial and legislative, which checks the powers of the executive branch. That’s why I’m glad that there is a U.S constitution to back the citizens up.

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