Monday, April 20, 2009

Personality Reveiw

Guardians (SJs)

Extreme dislike of conflict and criticism
Have difficulty accepting negative things about people close to them
Conflicts w/Rationalist and idealist
Symbol- Epimetheus
Career possibilities- Social Service & Education field

Artisans (SPs)

• Performers
• Compatible w/Guardians
• Make up 30% to 35% of population
• Famous face: Michael Jordan
• That doing things that aren’t fun & exciting is a waste of time

Idealist (NFs)

• Enthusiastic & yearn for romance
• Sure that Friendly cooperation is the best way for people to achieve their goals
• Inspirational leaders
• Make up 15% to 20% of population
• Famous face: Oprah Winfrey

Rationals (NTs)

o Focused on problem-solving & system analysis
o Make up 5% to 10% of population
o Impatient & don’t take criticism well
o Famous face: Thomas Jefferson
o Drive to unlock secrets & new technologies to shape the world

Extroverts VS Introverts
Extroverts Introverts
• Happier at the center of attention Inward focus
• Self-confident Rather work individually
• Outgoing Creative
• Naturally responsive w/people Sensitive
• Caring Caring

What did you learn about yourself from this project? What did you learn about others?

I learned a lot about myself from this project like actually read a lot about myself because as I sit back, my personality trait falls under the category of guardian, which I never really realized that’s what I would come up under. I do care about people a lot and sometimes I can find myself doing things for others before I do for myself. Some of the things I found out about people were shocking because the loudest and hype person would actually fall under a guardian because I would at least expect that person to fall under a rational, which is a person who does their own thing.

In schooling, should students be grouped homogeneously (same personality, backgrounds, skills) or heterogeneously (different personalities, abilities, cultures)? Why?

Students should not be grouped heterogeneously because they can experience more and learn things about different people around them, like personalities, and etc. I learned a lot about people I hang around everyday when we took the personality test because as I sit back and learned about different characteristics of my friends, them we read them and it really characterize them. So, in a homogeneously group you won’t learn experience different things in life.

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