Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What age should teenagers be able to take on a LOVER?

What age should teenagers be able to take on a lover? My first reason is I agree with the relationship of the two teenage lovers cited in the book”Huck Finn” that I read in class. Secondly if you’re deeply in love than you should go against your parents will, and last but not least what’s my definition of love. Also a lot of people have a different perspective of love.

I believe that “Huck Finn” is a very controversial book! In chapter 17 and 18 of the book their two teenage lovers and their names are buck and emmeline are I love, but their only 14 years old. I think they are in love and they should be able to what they want to do. Even though their parents are feuding amongst one another, doesn’t mean they can’t be in love. So if anybody feel some type of way about teenage love, then tell those to remember back when they were teenagers.

Do you think your parents should be able to choose who you love? I feel as though it shouldn’t an age limit on love. Also people are not going to stop loving each other because their parents said so. They will sneak out to do whatever it takes to be with the person they love. As a teenager, I think love can be at any age.

What’s your definition of love? Well I think that love is about sex, confidence, and trust. When a person actually get to know one another in a time period, and than they start to have trust in each other to be the best couple. Next they have social engagement and build up on their confidence. Finally they say that one another are all they wish for in a woman/man and they have sexual intercourse. The statement I just gave was my definition of love.

I just want to wrap everything up by saying don’t ever put one definition on love. Also my reasoning’s are first relationship between the two characters, second reason is don’t listen to your parents about love, and finally what the meaning of love. Plus love can come in all signs. For intense, love at first sight.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Should Huck Finn be taught a CHS!!

Huck Finn is the craziest book I read so far this yea1 the complications that I found in this book that I want to address is first the language. Secondly, the book shows kids the wrong things to do and last but least it has racial slurs in it. So I advise people to read this book and it should be taught in schools. Plus it’s a lesson learned.

A lot of people get frustrated when they read improper grammar! In the story Huck Finn shows poor grammar in the whole first chapter. For example "But per'aps it we keep them till they're ransomed." so if children See how they write in this book they might think it’s correct, but its not.

This book should be taught in schools. The children are doing all the wrong things and not the right. They are smoking/drinking underage. So this may influence younger children to do these things, but now and day’s children are smarter, and they would do the opposite. There’s a part in the book that indicates violence which says” if anybody done anything to anybody in the band, whichever boy was ordered to kill that person and his family must do it”. I feel as though violence is the answer to everything.

As being an African American we struggle from racism. This story is very racist because Huck Finn uses foul language. For intense Huck Finn uses the word “nigger”. That word indicated what Caucasian people use to call African American people when they wanted them to do something for them. Here’s another example from the book a lady name Mrs. Watson had a black slave name Jim to do what she told him.

In conclusion, I have 3 main key points that I’m focused on, so as language, showing kids the wrong thing to do and racism. People should read this book it’s a lesson learned. I think this story is real difficult to read and understand because of the sentence structure. How about you?