Thursday, October 25, 2007


In my physical science class we had to be in a group of 3 for our project, and the project is very similar to our constitution class because in that class it was an i chip that was new to technology and you could do things like access the Internet using the mind, yet in the stimulation it violated peoples rights as citizens, and everybody was against the i chip in constitution class. So, in science we had to be for the ichip, and within your group you had to take the positions of an marketing rep.,Bio-medical engineer, and lawyer. So i took they job as the lawyer and my job was to make sure they have a patent for the product,it's totally safe, include the rights that citizens have from the u.s constitution, and etc. Here's below is how i represented my company.

Today I will be representing the company “Brain of the future”. They just invented a new I Chip. It’s not the one from the Ideal society. The one from the ideal society was unconstitutional because the government could track your destination, and read your thoughts. Plus, it violated peoples 4th amendment rights that stated “The right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized”.

The company knows that their product is safe, because in order for the product to get put on the market it has to go through the FDA (food, drug, administrations), and they have to inspect the product than tell them if it’s safe enough to be put on the market. It also has to go through human resources saying its No Health risk pertaining to the product. Plus, in article II the government must let it pass through the department of human’s health before during anything else.

Also human resources gave the company an patent for there product and one of the patents says the version of the patent is an optional function of “track” or “no track”, which was upholding peoples 9th amendment right that states “The enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. So I’m telling you to go out and buy the ichip “center of science” at your local stores like best buy, Amazon online, and the company store “Brain of the future”. “The center of science” ichip only runs about $2, 060, but it comes with benefits like $100 gift certificate from clothing stores(twice a month), and free car insurance(if you have an vehicle.)

Whoever gets the “center of science” ichip will have to sign a waiver stating that the product is totally safe and there are no side effects pertaining to the ichip. In the first waiver it states there can be a tracking device but it only can be used for “future references in case the person gets a disease where though they can’t remember anything.” There is also another waiver that says it has “no tracking device inserted in the ichip” and the “government can’t tap inside the human mind and read its thoughts anytime they feel like It.” In result it has been pass by the government, FDA, and the human resources.

I feel as though the I Chip is very important because it can be used for many good reasons. For one it makes human advantages greater by controlling things by the brain. Plus, the people with the I chips have more advantages because they can work much faster than the humans without it. Plus, it’s just something new in technology for people to try out.

The reason my company thinks our ichip is good for the society is because in the ideal society their ichip was created for all wrong reasons like tapping into people brains anytime they liked, and just control their mines. However, our ichip is used for tracking down lost children, expand the human knowledge, and just to experiment something new to our technology. Plus, the people with the I chips have more advantages for better jobs because they can work much faster than the human beings without one.


ayanna-b4 said...

you cheated because you were able to go home over the weekend and fix yours but thats okay.

Bridget said...

i think you did a great job on your project. you were well prepared and i thought you made some excellent points

khalia said...

that's a long case good research